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Imperial Russia - Numerical cancels

Michel: 5
Description: "406" RUEN triangular cancel
USED: $25.00 Buy
Michel: 21X
Description: "617" MAKAROVO triangular cancel, few perfs clipped
USED: $20.00 Buy
Michel: 21X
Description: "873" triangular cancel
USED: $50.00 Buy
Michel: 5
Description: "700" triangular cancel
USED: $25.00 Buy
Scott: 8igg
Description: "977" (unknown) on 10k unwatermarked
USED: $25.00 Buy
Scott: 8izzzzzg
Michel: 7
Description: 30k perf 12, "937" triangular cancel
USED: $100.00 Buy
Scott: 8kfh
Michel: 21x
Description: "1168" Zakrochym (Poland) on 10k horiz. laid
USED: $25.00 Buy
Michel: 15
Description: "1270" Novocherkutino on 10k unwatermarked
USED: $35.00 Buy
Scott: 8lgd
Michel: 26x
Description: "1274" (unknown) on 8k horiz.laid
USED: $35.00 Buy
Scott: 8lge
Description: "1344" unknown location
USED: $25.00 Buy
Scott: 8lge
Description: "1287" unknown location
USED: $25.00 Buy

Hexagon cancels for Railway stations PO and TPO

Michel: 5
Description: "1" on 10k St.Petersburg, Nikolaev RR
USED: $25.00 Buy
Michel: 6
Description: "1" on 20k perf 12 (Scott#9) St. Petersburg Nikolaevskaya RR
USED: $75.00 Buy
Scott: 8sa
Michel: 7
Description: "1" Nikolaev RR ,30k perf 12 (Scott#10)
USED: $125.00 Buy
Michel: U10
Description: "1" hexagon cancel on 10k stationary envelope from St.Petersburg to Pskov
USED: $100.00 Buy
Michel: 5
Description: 10k tied by "2" hexagon cancel on folded letter sheet from Moscow to St.Petersburg
USED: $150.00 Buy
Michel: 5
Description: "2" Moscow, Nikolayevskaya RR
USED: $25.00 Buy
Scott: 8sb
Michel: 5
Description: 10k tied by "2" cancel from Moscow RR station to St. Petersburg
PRICE: $150.00 Buy
Michel: 7
Description: "2" on 30k perf 12, Moskow, Nikolayevskaya RR
USED: $75.00 Buy
Michel: 5
Description: "3" TPO Nikolayevskaya RR
USED: $25.00 Buy
Michel: 7
Description: "3" on 30k perf 12,TPO Nikolayevskaya RR
USED: $75.00 Buy
Michel: 5
Description: "4" Mailcar, Nikolayevskaya RR
USED: $25.00 Buy
Michel: 5
Description: "4" TPO Nikolayevskaya RR
USED: $25.00 Buy
Michel: 15
Description: "4" TPO Nikolayevskaya RR
USED: $25.00 Buy