Russia Postal History - Money Letters
Money Letters
Year: 1841
Description: Money letter for 100r, "Uman 13 sept 1841" double straight line cancel and arrival "Orenburg Oct.1841 "
Description: Money letter for 100r, "Uman 13 sept 1841" double straight line cancel and arrival "Orenburg Oct.1841 "
PRICE: $125.00 Buy
Year: 1857
Description: "10rub" from Bogoroditsk to Riga, boxed "Polucheno 23 Avg 1857"
Description: "10rub" from Bogoroditsk to Riga, boxed "Polucheno 23 Avg 1857"
PRICE: $100.00 Buy
Year: 1867
Description: "15rub" from Pskov to Vindava, and forwarded to Goldingen, clear strikes
Description: "15rub" from Pskov to Vindava, and forwarded to Goldingen, clear strikes
PRICE: $100.00 Buy
Year: 1878
Description: Cover from Volmar to Verro with manuscript marking "... returned due experiation date of storage"
Description: Cover from Volmar to Verro with manuscript marking "... returned due experiation date of storage"
PRICE: $100.00 Buy
Year: 1880
Description: Insured letter for 200 rub on cover from St.Petersburg to Belgium
Description: Insured letter for 200 rub on cover from St.Petersburg to Belgium
PRICE: $100.00 Buy
Year: 1880
Description: "Tulchin 1 dek 1880" with 13 rub enclosed to Mount Athos via odessa
Description: "Tulchin 1 dek 1880" with 13 rub enclosed to Mount Athos via odessa
PRICE: $100.00 Buy
Year: 1880
Description: "Sakoaganskaya 3 IUN 1880" with 20rub enclosed to Mount Athos via Odessa
Description: "Sakoaganskaya 3 IUN 1880" with 20rub enclosed to Mount Athos via Odessa
PRICE: $100.00 Buy
Year: 1880
Description: "Urazovskaya P.S. 11 Iun 1880 Voronezhsk.gub" c.d.s with "20r enclosed"
Description: "Urazovskaya P.S. 11 Iun 1880 Voronezhsk.gub" c.d.s with "20r enclosed"
PRICE: $100.00 Buy
Year: 1882
Description: Money letterfrom "Vologda 25 May 1882" for 1 rub to Mount Athos addressed to Honorary Citizen A.Y.Novikov(which is unusual)Odessa transit postmark
Description: Money letterfrom "Vologda 25 May 1882" for 1 rub to Mount Athos addressed to Honorary Citizen A.Y.Novikov(which is unusual)Odessa transit postmark
PRICE: $100.00 Buy
Year: 1888
Description: insured money letter for 40 rub from Kharkov to Germany with Kiribati transit c.d.s
Description: insured money letter for 40 rub from Kharkov to Germany with Kiribati transit c.d.s
PRICE: $50.00 Buy
Year: 1891
Description: "1r" from Grobin to Pilten, both Kurland Gub , slightly torn from opening
Description: "1r" from Grobin to Pilten, both Kurland Gub , slightly torn from opening
PRICE: $50.00 Buy
Year: 1897
Description: Stamples cover with "25 rub enclosed" from Novorossijsk to kamenets-Podolsk, clear strikes and wax seals intact
Description: Stamples cover with "25 rub enclosed" from Novorossijsk to kamenets-Podolsk, clear strikes and wax seals intact
PRICE: $50.00 Buy
Year: 1899
Description: Stampless cover with " 30kop ENCLOSED" from "TULCHIN PODOL.GUB 28.VI.1899" , arrival c.d.s KAMENETS-PODOLSK 30 IUN 1899", 2 wax seal intact
Description: Stampless cover with " 30kop ENCLOSED" from "TULCHIN PODOL.GUB 28.VI.1899" , arrival c.d.s KAMENETS-PODOLSK 30 IUN 1899", 2 wax seal intact
PRICE: $35.00 Buy
Year: 1899
Description: Cover from St.Petersburg with 5rub enclosed to Denmark, Kibarty transit c.d.s
Description: Cover from St.Petersburg with 5rub enclosed to Denmark, Kibarty transit c.d.s
PRICE: $50.00 Buy
Year: 1900
Description: Stampless cover " with 1rub.60k.enclosed" ,canceled "GERMANOVKa KIEV.GUB.16 MAR 1900" to KIEV arrival c.d.s , all 5 wax seal intact
Description: Stampless cover " with 1rub.60k.enclosed" ,canceled "GERMANOVKa KIEV.GUB.16 MAR 1900" to KIEV arrival c.d.s , all 5 wax seal intact
PRICE: $35.00 Buy