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Imperial Russia - Numerical cancels

Rectangular Postmarks for District Post Offices

Michel: 5
Description: "1" Gatchino
USED: $25.00 Buy
Michel: 5
Description: 10k tied by "3"Kronstadt rectangular cancel on cover to St.petersburg
USED: $125.00 Buy
Michel: 5
Description: "4" Luga
USED: $25.00 Buy
Michel: 5
Description: "6" Narva
USED: $25.00 Buy
Scott: 8bh
Michel: 5
Description: "8" Peterhof
USED: $25.00 Buy
Michel: 5
Description: "10" Tsarskoye Selo rectangular cancel
USED: $25.00 Buy
Michel: 5
Description: "24" Segievskij Posad
USED: $25.00 Buy
Michel: 5
Description: "25" Serpuhov
USED: $25.00 Buy
Michel: 5
Description: 10k tied by "44" Dinaburg rectangular cancel on folded lletter sheet to Riga
USED: $125.00 Buy
Michel: 5
Description: "55" Viezhniki
USED: $25.00 Buy
Michel: 5
Description: "66" Velikij Usttug
USED: $25.00 Buy
Michel: 5
Description: "83"Valujki
USED: $25.00 Buy
Scott: 8bzzzf
Description: "94" Izhevskij Zavod"
USED: $25.00 Buy
Michel: 5
Description: "104" Belostok rectangular cancel
USED: $25.00 Buy
Michel: 6
Description: "119" Rostov, 20k perf 12,5
USED: $50.00 Buy
Michel: 5
Description: "121" Taganrog rectangular cancel
USED: $25.00 Buy
Michel: 5
Description: 10k tied by "121" rectangular cancel on folded lettersheet to Odessa, departure boxed "Taganrog 13 Aprelja 1860" cancel
USED: $125.00 Buy
Michel: 6
Description: 20k pair perf 12,5 tied by "121" rectangular cancel on folded lettersheet from Taganrog to St.Petersburg paying 40k rate, a rare item
USED: $750.00 Buy
Scott: 8bzzzzzd
Michel: 5
Description: "134" Rovno
USED: $25.00 Buy
Michel: U4
Description: "163" Berdichev rectangular cancel on 10k stationary envelope to Annopol (Poland)
USED: $125.00 Buy
Michel: 5
Description: "163" Berdichev rectangular cancel
USED: $25.00 Buy
Michel: 6
Description: "163" Berdichev, Kiew gub.
USED: $50.00 Buy
Michel: 5
Description: "173" Smela"
USED: $25.00 Buy
Michel: 5
Description: "176" Uman
USED: $25.00 Buy