Year: 1919
Description: 1r imperforate 6 copies tied by "Gaisin.Pod. 18.1.19" on telegraphic money transfer for 100r to Fastov
Description: 1r imperforate 6 copies tied by "Gaisin.Pod. 18.1.19" on telegraphic money transfer for 100r to Fastov
PRICE: $250.00 Buy
Year: 1918
Description: 15k,50k two copies each tied by "Bar 24.11.18" on money cover for 102rub to Kamenets -Podolsk
Description: 15k,50k two copies each tied by "Bar 24.11.18" on money cover for 102rub to Kamenets -Podolsk
PRICE: $100.00 Buy
Year: 1918
Description: Podolia types tied by "Kamenets-Pod.9.11.18" on registered cover to local criminal court
Description: Podolia types tied by "Kamenets-Pod.9.11.18" on registered cover to local criminal court
PRICE: $150.00 Buy
Year: 1919
Description: 1r Podolia types tied by "Vinnitsa 15.2.19" on money order for 693r.50k . "Balta .pod.7.5.19" arrival postmark
Description: 1r Podolia types tied by "Vinnitsa 15.2.19" on money order for 693r.50k . "Balta .pod.7.5.19" arrival postmark
PRICE: $100.00 Buy
Year: 1918
Description: 50k single franking tied by "Gorodok.Pod.7.11.18" on registered letter to Kamenets-Podolsk district court
Description: 50k single franking tied by "Gorodok.Pod.7.11.18" on registered letter to Kamenets-Podolsk district court
PRICE: $100.00 Buy
Description: 50k single franking tied by "Felshtin 5.11.18" on registered cover to Kamenets Podolsk district court
PRICE: $100.00 Buy
Description: Postcard with advertisment:" Our answer to Chamberlain - in the fight for peace - We are building the "Explosion" squadron, strengthen the Defense of the USSR
MINT/LH: $75.00 Buy