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Russia Postal History - Postmarks

Year: 1905
Description: "Chernomorskij Zavod P.T.K.Kher. 21.3.05" on 3k stationary postcard to Belgium
PRICE: $75.00 Buy
Year: 1905
Description: "Nizhne-Turinskij Zav. 19.IX.1905 to New Caledonia!!! extreamely scarce destination
PRICE: $200.00 Buy
Year: 1905
Description: 4k horizontaly laid tied by "Yryuzanskij Z.Ufim..19.28.05" on picture postcard to France
PRICE: $250.00 Buy
Year: 1906
Description: "Chusovskij Zavod 21.6.06" on 1r vertically laid
PRICE: $25.00 Buy
Year: 1907
Description: "Shurmanskij Z(avod) Viatsk.g. 17Yanv.1907" c.d.s tied 4k on vertically laid paper on picture postcard to France writen in Esperanto.
PRICE: $75.00 Buy
Year: 1907
Description: "Tsarits(yn) Met.Zav.Sar 14.3.07" c.d.s tied 4k on front of picture postcard depicting Chinese-Eastern railroad construction, to France
PRICE: $75.00 Buy
Year: 1908
Description: "Tsarits(yn) Met.Zav.Sar 13.12.08" c.d.s tied 4k on picture postcard depicting harbor View of Tsaritsyn to France
PRICE: $75.00 Buy
Year: 1908-9
Description: "Miasskij Zavod" c.d.s on 3 different stamps
PRICE: $25.00 Buy
Year: 1909
Description: "Gutianskij Zavod Khar. 9.6.09" on picture postcard to France
PRICE: $50.00 Buy
Year: 1910
Description: 7k pair canceled "Belortzkij Zavod.." c.d.s
PRICE: $25.00 Buy
Year: 1910
Description: "Kaslinkij Zav.Per. c.d.s on 7k pair and 14k
PRICE: $25.00 Buy
Year: 1910
Description: "Kertchinskij Zavod " c.d.s on 7k pair
PRICE: $25.00 Buy
Year: 1910
Description: "Mikhailovskij Zavod 25.11.10 Perm" c.d.s on picture postcard to Switzerland
PRICE: $100.00 Buy
Year: 1910
Description: "Tsarits(yb)Met.Zav. 4.6.10" tied 4k pn front of Picture postcard to France
PRICE: $75.00 Buy
Year: 1910
Description: "Nizhneturinskij Zavod.4.8.10" on picture postcard to France
PRICE: $100.00 Buy
Year: 1910
Description: "Sofievskij Zavod 10.9.10 yekater.g." on 4k stationary card
PRICE: $75.00 Buy
Year: 1910
Description: "Ust-Katavskij Z(avod) Ufim.G 2.III.1910" arrival c.d.s on picture postcard from Paris to Ust-Katavsk
PRICE: $100.00 Buy
Year: 1910
Description: ""Votkinskij Zav. Viat.7.9.10" alongside with Barnaul c.d.s and due "Doplatit 6k Barnaul" postcard from barnaul to Votkinsij Zavod
PRICE: $50.00 Buy
Year: 1911
Description: "Paratskij Z.Kazan 6.X.1911" c.d.s on picture postcard to Switzerland
PRICE: $100.00 Buy
Year: 1911
Description: 7k Arms tied by "MOTOVILIKHINSKIJ ZAV.PERMSK. b 17.5.11"on registered cover to Glazov(registry label missing
PRICE: $50.00 Buy
Year: 1913
Description: 7k Romanov, "Voznessenskij Zavod" c.d.s
PRICE: $25.00 Buy
Year: 1913
Description: "Tsementnyj Zavod 12.11.13.Kal(uga)" c.d.s tied 1k on 3k Romanov stationary postcard to Paris
PRICE: $75.00 Buy
Year: 1913
Description: "Kaslinsk. Zav(od) Perm 17.3.13" arrival c.d.s on picture postcard from St.Petersburg
PRICE: $75.00 Buy
Year: 1915
Description: "Chusovskoj Zav(od) 16.9.15" on registered censored cover to France
PRICE: $75.00 Buy
Year: 1916
Description: "Kiselevka Zavod Kievsk.obl 15.9.16" on POW WWI postcard to Poland
PRICE: $50.00 Buy