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Soviet Russia - 1991-95

YEAR 1991

Scott: 5954-8
Michel: 6158-62
MNH: $2.00 Buy
Scott: 5960-3
Michel: 6165-8
MNH: $1.50 Buy
Scott: 5961a-3a
Michel: 6165-8
Description: Full sheets
MNH: $20.00 Buy
Scott: 5964
Michel: 6163
MNH: $0.50 Buy
Scott: 5965-7
Michel: 6169-71
MNH: $1.50 Buy
Scott: 5968-70
Michel: 6174-6
MNH: $1.00 Buy
Scott: 5971-3
Michel: 6181-3
MNH: $2.00 Buy
Scott: 5971a
Michel: 6181Kl
Description: minisheet of 8
MNH: $5.00 Buy
Scott: 5974a
Michel: 6185-8A
Description: Sheet of 24
MNH: $15.00 Buy
Scott: 5977a
Michel: 6185-8A
Description: Full sheet
MNH: $3.00 Buy
Scott: 5977b
Michel: Bl218
MNH: $4.00 Buy
Scott: 5977d
Michel: 6185-8AKl
Description: Gagarin minisheet of 8
MNH: $10.00 Buy
Scott: 5977e
Michel: 6185-8AKl.
Description: Minisheet of 8 with overprint
MNH: $10.00 Buy
Scott: 5978
Michel: 6189
MNH: $0.50 Buy
Scott: 5978
Michel: 6189
Description: Sheet of 50
MNH: $15.00 Buy
Scott: 5979
Michel: 6184
MNH: $0.50 Buy
Scott: 5979
Michel: 6184
Description: sheet of 50
MNH: $25.00 Buy
Scott: 5984-7
Michel: 6177-80IAv
Description: chalky paper
MNH: $4.00 Buy
Scott: 5984-7
Michel: 6177-80IAw
MNH: $3.00 Buy
Scott: 5992
Description: sheet of 36
MNH: $15.00 Buy
Scott: 5992
Michel: 6190
MNH: $0.50 Buy
Scott: 5994-8
Michel: 6192-6
MNH: $1.50 Buy
Scott: 5994-8
Michel: 6192-6
Description: Sheets of 36
MNH: $50.00 Buy
Scott: 5999-6001
Michel: 6197-99
Description: sheets of 36
MNH: $50.00 Buy