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Russia Postal History - Asia.

Russian ASIA

Description: 9 different postcards used and mint depicting asian types in Kokand, Tashkent, Hevssours,Kalmyks,Kirgizs..etc
PRICE: $200.00 Buy


Year: 1930
Description: Registered cover form ALMA-ATA to France
PRICE: $25.00 Buy


Year: 1907
Description: 3k Arms tied by "ANDIZHAN-VOKZAL" oval cancel on picture postcard to Moscow
PRICE: $75.00 Buy


Year: 1888
Description: 7k pair tied by "AShabad Zakasp.Obl 17 mar 1888.." on registered cover to Finland
PRICE: $175.00 Buy
Year: 1905
Description: 3k vertically laid tied by "Ashabad Zakasp. obl.8.V.1905" on picture postcard depicting cruiser BAJAN of Pasific fleet, to Finland
PRICE: $100.00 Buy
Year: 1906
Description: 2k pair, tied by "ASHABAD n2 27.11.08"on picture postcard to Switzerland
PRICE: $50.00 Buy
Year: 1907
Description: 2k tied by "ASHABAD ZAKASP.OBL. A 5.5.07" on bank cover , arrival c.d.s."MOSKVA 12 V 1907"
PRICE: $100.00 Buy
Year: 1908
Description: 4k tied by "ASHABAD 17 11 08" c.d.s. on postcard to BELGIUM
PRICE: $50.00 Buy
Year: 1910
Description: Official cover addressed to Turkish consul in Tiflis clear "ASHABAD n2 21.1.10"
PRICE: $150.00 Buy
Year: 1910
Description: 4K tied by "ASHABAD n 2 8.12.10" c.d.s.on picture postcard to France
PRICE: $50.00 Buy
Year: 1912
Description: 3k tied by "Ashabad 24.12.12" on Postcard from Ashabad to Charjuj
PRICE: $50.00 Buy
Year: 1913
Description: Picture postcard from Ashabad to Paris
PRICE: $35.00 Buy
Year: 1916
Description: Free frank postcard to Ashabad, forwarded to Tashkent, all clear strikes
PRICE: $75.00 Buy
Year: 1931
Description: Stampless postcard from Ashabad with bylingual "Doplatit" (due) cancel to Lostovskaya Moscow.Gub
PRICE: $50.00 Buy
Year: 1932
Description: 40k black and pink revenue stamps used as postage and tied by "Ashhabad 7.9.32" arrival c.d.s "Tashkent 10.9.32"
PRICE: $450.00 Buy
Description: 3 picture postcards depicting Ashabad park
PRICE: $50.00 Buy


Year: 1907
Description: 7k tied by "Chardjuj-204-Krasnovodsk 18.04.07" TPO on cover to Germany
PRICE: $100.00 Buy
Year: 1908
Description: 1k tied by "Chardjuj Zakas...." on front of picture postcard to Belgium
PRICE: $25.00 Buy
Year: 1908
Scott: 0151908
Description: "Krasnovodsk -203- Chardduj8.10.08" on postcard to Samara
PRICE: $75.00 Buy
Year: 1908
Description: 3k tied by "Charzhuj-204-Krasnovodsk" TPO on picture postcard to St.Petersburg
PRICE: $75.00 Buy